Why any business needs a unified data storage

The growth in the amount of data and their fragmented storage is a challenge for small and medium-sized businesses that …


The growth in the amount of data and their fragmented storage is a challenge for small and medium-sized businesses that do not have extra money for infrastructures. In this article, we will try to sort out some of the problems in terms of storage and information usage and share a vision of how you may keep up with this race by wisely investing in development.

How does small and medium business store data?

To answer this question, let’s have a look at statistics. So, in 47% of companies, computers are connected to the network, 33% use the cloud, 32% use a local server, 30% use external hard drives, 24% use NAS servers, and 23% of organizations use everything decentralized. Data varies from industry to industry. For example, in IT companies, a local server is used by 58% of organizations (instead of 32% on average), and in the educational sector, 44% of data are decentralized.

How to save resources

The good news for business owners is that creating a unified data storage system for digitalizing a company saves resources. The pandemic has shown that employees can easily work remotely or come to the office several times a week. It turns out that instead of the conditional 50 people at the same time there are 25. If you organize a system for booking jobs to avoid a spontaneous influx of employees at the same time, you can move to a smaller office, saving on rent, utility costs, coffee, cookies, and so on. A flexible schedule will only increase employee loyalty.

Another way to make reasonable savings for companies from million-plus cities is to consider options for attracting employees from other regions to project tasks or opening vacancies, where the level of competence can be comparable, and salaries are lower. They will also work remotely. It only remains to close the issue of creating shared storage and unhindered access to it, as well as communications based on unified corporate solutions.

We combine locality, security, and mobility

After prioritizing information storage, specific solutions need to be selected. Moving from conceptual to private, it is important to take care of the safety of data and the smoothness of the work process. This is helped by the RAID data virtualization technology – using a system of several physical drives, the system creates backups of data, so if a separate HDD or SSD fails, the data on them will be restored, and the system will continue to work.

As a result:

  • The company is addressing the issue of the emergence of a single local reliable storage of information with backup and data security.
  • With a single data lake, businesses can accumulate, process, and use the information for growth and new solutions.
  • Uninterrupted access to data is provided both from the office and remotely: employees become more mobile and have all the opportunities to work from home, and the campaign gains flexibility in terms of recruiting new personnel and mastering new formats of cooperation in the implementation of projects.


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