Successful storytelling is all about the emotional connection

Brands understand this and consider storytelling as a strong weapon. This method is effective both in marketing and in the …


Brands understand this and consider storytelling as a strong weapon. This method is effective both in marketing and in the sales department.

What is Storytelling?

At first glance, the essence of storytelling is simple. You tell a person a story with a hero whom he identifies with. This helps to unobtrusively and visually convey the necessary messages and cause an emotional response. As a result, the consumer sees an example of why the product is needed and can evaluate its advantages. At the same time, you did not insist on anything and did not sell anything – you just told a story.

How storytelling is used in advertising

In advertising, storytelling creates a sensory experience around a customer’s product or service. To decide to purchase a product, the buyer should understand why he/she needs it.

Storytelling allows marketers to:

  • substantiate existing rules because proper storytelling explains who made the rules and for what purpose;

  • save, systematize and convey information on the main achievements;

  • substantiate the right to be considered the best, important and trustworthy;

  • effectively motivate customers;

  • cause a desire to continue communication;

  • to form the loyalty of the client or employee.

What is the difference between storytelling and an ordinary article?

  • the presence of a hero – the story is always about a person, even if it is an advertisement, and the product is described as a circumstance of action;

  • veracity – the presence of real, verified by the reader facts that are easy to remember or imagine in the context of history;

  • realism – many details and examples that are immersed in history;

  • the story is similar to the direct speech of the hero;

  • the axis is the central theme on which the details of the story are strung.

Find the right story for your audience

Some customers prefer comedy, others like drama. It’s important to understand what type of story is best for your target audience.

Defining this type is not so simple. For example, if you write for housewives, it is not necessary that stories about household chores, children, or shopping will be the optimal format. On the contrary, this audience will like stories that will allow them to break out of everyday routine, learn about more interesting and bright life.

When you decide on the product that you will describe, and the main issues – consider half the job done. It remains to choose the right format for the story itself – the one that will meet the expectations and needs of your audience.

The headlines matter

The title should be speaking. A good headline is interesting and denotes the topic of the article, without provocation and distortion of its essence.

Don’t skip beautiful pictures

Storytelling is like a movie that plays while you scroll. It is the visual part that helps to convey the atmosphere, reveal the topic, and immerse the user in context. Think about what might help your story unfold. This can be, for example, a photoshoot, ambient video, illustration, or infographics. Starting to draw up the story, immediately be puzzled by the issue of creating visual content.

To sum up

Remember that by telling a story you are not selling. You help a potential customer understand what tasks your product can solve. To do this, you give an example of how another user solved a similar problem and what the result was.



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