Here you will find the best websites to keep abreast of any updates. Don’t miss the latest news!
An ambitious online website about technology, multimedia, digital sphere. In a couple of years, it has become one of the best resources for innovations.
The largest online technology community that is dedicated to the study of digital culture, social media, and technology.
Being a large resource with convenient navigation, collecting the most popular and advanced ideas for crowdfunding, the website helps millions of entrepreneurs, innovators, and brands find and evaluate the best ideas and solutions.
A great source of knowledge if you are ready to look into the future. Videos from TED are widely known. Famous marketers, visionaries, specialists in new technologies, and artificial intelligence talk about their work and discoveries.
TED publishes TED Video for free and free viewing. Accordingly, national TEDx projects post their TEDx videos, that is, the performance of national lecturers in the TED-style.
It is one of the most widely-read cyber security news sites on the Web. As they say, their ‘community members include thought-leading security researchers, CISOs, and technology specialists, along with thousands of other security professionals.’
Perhaps the most popular online course platform. Available not only to English-speaking but also to Russian-speaking users. Free lessons from 120 of the best universities in the world. Coursera courses can last about six to ten weeks, from one to two hours of video lectures per week. These courses offer exercises, exams, etc.
Students of the same class are invited to participate in forums, mainly to ask questions on this subject. There are several safety methods on exams that help to ensure the identity of people. Coursera courses can be taken through a computer or mobile device.
Big data is the science of how to use large amounts of data to enable an individual or company to make the right decision. You can get acquainted with this area of activity or develop professionally in it by taking courses on this site.
You are allowed to learn foreign languages for free. Through courses, audio, video, and games. You will learn the alphabet, phrases, replenish the vocabulary, improve pronunciation, learn grammar. Free online tutoring comes in 40 languages.
Free lessons from the most inspiring instructors in the world. You can select videos in the areas of photography, design, and software preparation.
Now with these resources, you have no percent chance to miss the latest news in IT-sphere. Besides, online studying has a lot of benefits:
you can choose the form of presentation of material convenient for you: audio, video, even animated;
you can study in any mode convenient for you, at any time convenient for you;
you get the latest and most relevant information from “those in the subject” who work in this area today;
you study only what you need, without additional unnecessary subjects.